Binance Launch pool and Launch pads are platforms and programs that advise and help projects on how best to issue and launch their token.
Binance Launch pad is an initial exchange offering. You can earn rewards in the form of tokens by fundraising new and exciting projects all of which are hand chosen and vetted by Binance.
The number of tokens you can earn depends on how much crypto you committed to the Launchpad and your rewards will be capped.
On the other hand, Binance launch pool is platform based liquidity farming service. With Binance Launch Pool you can earn passive income by staking your crypto in exchange for tokens from new crypto projects. After the staking period, you get back your initial capital as well as your rewards earned.
Both the launched and launch pool offer early access to easy revenue yielding.
The Binance Launch pad involves investing in projects before they launch, but the Launch pool requires you to stake tokens to earn new ones which is a more passive way to earn than the launch pad.
Binance Launch pad is the worlds first IEO platforms. An IEO platform is when crypto start ups raise capital for their business by selling their native tokens in other to grow their platforms through a popular exchange line Binance during the prelaunch pad era. To invest in crypto project through Binance Launched pad, you need to lock up some crypto for a set time [About 7 days].
During this lock up period you can withdraw your assets. Once this period is over, Binance enlists the projects token on its spot market and you can freely trade your new tokens. 

Binance Launch pad rewards depends on the total amount of crypto committed during the lunch pad period and how many Lottery tickets you claimed. Lottery tickets is a claim that Binance uses to
prevent major whales in crypto from having controlling stakes in some major crypto projects.
The lottery ticket system does this to democratize the token buying process by letting you claim up to the lottery tickets based on a snapshot of your BNB token holdings over the last 20days.
Therefore, the more BNB you hold/held over the last 20 days the more tickets you can claim and the more you can earn from the lottery.
BNB is committed for awaiting period of which after your lottery ticket appears and you can claim and then participate in the lottery , the winners of the lottery then automatically participate in the launch pad.

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